Sodium Chloride IP/BP

Product Brief: Pharmaceutical grade sodium chloride is characterized on the basis of applications that include injections, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, & hemofiltration solutions, oral rehydration salts (ORS), channeling agents/ osmotic agent, mechanical cleansing solutions, and others (dietary formulations and infant formulations).

Product Specifications:

 Sr.NoTest   Specification (IP) Specification (BP)
 1. Description White orcolourless crystals or a white crystalline powder White orcolourless crystals or a white crystalline powder
 2. IdentificationA. It gives the reactions of chlorides
B. Gives the reactions of salts
A. It gives the reactions of chlorides
B. Gives the reactions of salts
 3. solubilityFreely soluble in water,slightlymore soluble Freely soluble in water,slightlymore soluble 
 4.  Appearance of solutionSolution A is clear and colourless
Solution A is clear and colourless 
Not mare than 0.5 ml of 0.01M hydrochloric acid or 0.01Msodium hydroxide is required to change the colour of the solutionNot mare than 0.5 ml of 0.01M hydrochloric acid or 0.01Msodium hydroxide is required to change the colour of the solution
 6.Arsenic The resulting solution complies with the limit test for arsenic(NMT1 ppm)The resulting solution complies with the limit test for arsenic(NMT1 ppm)
 7.BariumNo turbidity is produced within 2 hoursNo turbidity is produced within 2 hours
 8.Bromide NMT 100 ppmNMT 100 ppm 
 9.Calcium and MagnesiumNMT 50 ppm NMT 50 ppm 
 10.FcrrocyonidcNo blue color is produced within 10 minutes No blue color is produced within 10 minutes. 
 11.Heavy metalsThe solution complies with the limit test for heavy metals,(5ppm)The solution complies with the limit test for heavy metals,(5ppm).
 12. iodideThe substance shows no blue colour after 5 minutesThe substance shows no blue colour after 5 minutes.
 13.Iron NMT 20 ppmNMT 20 ppm
14.  Sulphate NMT 300 ppmNMT 300 ppm 
 15.Loss on drying NMT 1.0% w/w NMT 1.0% w/w 
 16. Assay99.0 % to 100.5 % ODB99.0 % to 100.5 % ODB
 1.Total bacterial count  ----NMT 1000 CFU/GM
 2Totalyeast and Mould  ----NMT 100 CFU/GM